Pottery Studio

Much has happened since our last post! Who would have ever dreamed in our life time that we would be smack in the middle of a pandemic? Due to Covid 19 we have not been able to offer any paint nights or do an open house as we had planned for the spring. However, we have been able get much done for the future endeavors of our business! Back in April we began working on our pottery studio. That’s right, we will soon be adding hand built pottery as well as wheel thrown pottery to our selection of art work available for purchase! We have converted a large area of our double garage into a hand-building pottery studio. A special thanks goes out to Gina’s son Josh Parris for building us a nice hand-building table and also a wedging table. Not long after the completion of our tables, our clay extractor arrived! The clay extractor will be used for making coil pots and mug handles for cups! We are preparing to offer some hand-building classes and this nice piece of equipment will come in handy! We have a electric kiln we will use for general firing in a separate pottery shed. The wiring has been lain and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the electrician to hook up the shed and the studio. Stay tuned as we bring you updates on the progress of the studio and also my next post will be discussing the process of making our own clay from the wild.